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  1. Bamboo Data Center
  2. BAM-13241

build tools (e.g. Composer) aware auto-healing of Jobs


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Duplicate
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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      When switching build tools used in the project, you're classically forced to update all your build jobs (sometimes on different instances) to allow new building of the project.

      It would be great to have:

      • a standard file (xml based) you might export a job definition and commit it to your repository
        • shouuld be aware of per-job customizable extensions / configurations

      and / or

      • to get extraordinary notifications on a build fail when new build tool files are aquired and detected (e.g. composer.json (composer), build.xml (ant), pom.xml (mvn / maven), config.rb (compass / SCSS))
        • a server option to allow "auto-healing" when a build jobs fails AND new build files are detected
          • i.e. auto-add composer, ant or maven tasks to the job and retry build
          • revert task changes if build still fails => forces developer to update job definition (via XML, see improvement description above)

      This would be a great benefit and would save a lot of developer time in most cases I think, even in agile projects where you aren't settled down fix to a special project layout in common.
      Also sometimes it is needed to enhance the project with other build tools (using composer for "the web thingy" but still bundle and build the java application as WAR via maven). You don't have to add special maven extensions that will complicate setup and knowlegdge about how to trigger / include the "second builder".

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