Resolution: Timed out
When plan names are greater than ~40 characters, not enough information is visible to know which project/plan to select. It's very time consuming to type the whole name of the plan specially when the difference in the names are in the last characters. It will also be great to show more than ten entries in this box, for example if under a project called Project3, I have Plan1 to Plan 15, typing "Plan" will only show me ten records.
Extend the "search for plan" text box length under dependencies tab and make it show more than ten options
Resolution: Timed out
When plan names are greater than ~40 characters, not enough information is visible to know which project/plan to select. It's very time consuming to type the whole name of the plan specially when the difference in the names are in the last characters. It will also be great to show more than ten entries in this box, for example if under a project called Project3, I have Plan1 to Plan 15, typing "Plan" will only show me ten records.