Resolution: Unresolved
- As a rule writer, I want to export a rule from the Automation Playground, So I can use the existing rule as a starting point for my own projects' rules
- More template types that would be beneficial to use
- Tutorials and Most used automations Category
The automation playground may be found here: https://docs.automationforjira.com/rule-playground
Acceptance Criteria
- Can select one or more rules for export from the playground
- An exported rule's JSON can be imported into another project/Jira instance
- Bonus: documentation for automation provides use case examples, including a downloadable JSON for the explained rule
By now, there is only the rules that come by default in Automation for Jira. It would be nice if the users are able to add some new rules in the library.
- is duplicated by
AUTO-107 Improve Automation Template Library - Add an option to add rules into the library, make playground rules exportable
- Closed
JSWCLOUD-22655 Provide downloadable example automation use cases, e.g. add export for rules in Automation Playground
- Closed