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  1. Automation for Cloud
  2. AUTO-594

Automation rule not respecting the custom field date/ time value although converts the time to UTC which is the JIRA default time when a smart value is included


    • Severity 3 - Minor

      Automation rule not respecting the custom field date/ time value although converts the time to UTC which is the JIRA default time when a smart value is included.

      Steps to Reproduce
      1)Create a custom field with date/time picker and add this field to a 'Create Issue' screen on a service project.
      2)Create an automation: When an issue is created with a particular verbiage in Summary section, trigger the automation to update the 'Summary' section as following.

      "issue.ExactDateTime.mediumDateTime". --/ ExactDateTime is the DateTime custom field

      Expected Result: The Summary should be updated with the same time in the 'mediumDateTime' format.

      Actual Result: Jira converts the time in the custom field to its default time which is UTC and updates the Summary section.

      eg: Time Zone in Account Preferences is set as 'America/Denver'

      created the automation with the smart value and when it was executed it added 6 hours to the custom field time and updated the Summary section (screenshot attached)

      Workaround Suggested:
      updated the value on my local site as "issue.ExactDateTime.convertToTimeZone("America/Denver").mediumDateTime" and ran the automation again and it updated the 'Summary' section with the same value as the custom field value. (screenshot attached)

      Found this link and it looks like for all smart values the time is being converted into Jira's default timezone.

        1. Actual_Result.png
          42 kB
        2. Automation_Rule.png
          72 kB
        3. Expected_Result.png
          38 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            a82b290bf431 Sushant Mulgaonkar
            10 Vote for this issue
            22 Start watching this issue
