Resolution: Duplicate
Problem Definition
Currently, the Issue field compare condition uses the Request Type name to compare its value against the one the ticket is using. This causes issues when comparing Request Types that have translations. More information can be found on (AUT-1869)
Suggested Solution
The full proof solution is to compare the request types with Id instead of name.
Option 1: Compare the ID of the Request Type using the advanced compare condition against the following smart value: {{Request Type.requestType.id}} (or {{Customer Request Type.requestType.id}} for older instances). The Request Type Id can be obtained at the end of the URL when editing a Request Type.
Option 2: Use the advanced compare condition in combination with exactly matches regular expression to match the Request Type names using a regex like (value1|value2|value3|...|valueX).
- duplicates
AUTO-468 Support for field IDs instead of just field names in Automation, so rules don't break when fields are renamed, and to support custom fields with the same name
- Gathering Interest
From my point of view, comparaison to value coming from a dropdown field should never be to the value depending on translation.
The id workaround should be the normal behavior as we expect that when a issue is created, the value keeped is the value id no matter the language...For us it could be a risk based on the fact that somebody can change translation without knowing there is some automation based on that....