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  1. Automation for Cloud
  2. AUTO-1374

Provide support for Microsoft Workflows in automation rules


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      The Automation Platform team is working to implement a new Microsoft Teams action, as an alternative to the current action that relies on the soon-to-be deprecated connectors. We'll provide an update shortly with more info on timelines for this new action.


      Microsoft has announced they are deprecating O365 connectors (more details here).

      Automation provides a Send Message to Microsoft Teams Action that relies on one of the O365 connectors.

      Please provide an alternative to avoid disrupting existing rules and allow sending messages to a channel in Microsoft Teams once the existing connectors are retired.

              89403358cf11 Charlie Gavey
              ezhapa Enida
              164 Vote for this issue
              156 Start watching this issue
