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  1. Automation for Cloud
  2. AUTO-1090

Concurrent executions of a deployment cause inconsistent behavior when creating a new version


    • Minor
    • Jira Software

      Issue Summary

      When we use a CI/CD integration with a Deployment successful trigger that's linked to several issues, for each issue, the automation rule executes.

      If the automation rule contains a Create Version action for each deployment, and if the created version is the same, it leads to the following inconsistent issue:

      Some automation executions fail, showing an error that a version with the same name already exists:

      Some executions don't fail. They indicate that the version already exists and just continue with the existing version:

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an automation rule with a Deployment Successful Trigger.
      2. Add the action - Create Version on your automation rule. 
      3. On the CI/CD tool (e.g. Bitbucket), create a successful Deployment that is associated with multiple issues.
      4. Observe that some of the automation executions fail, and some don't, displaying the above error and information messages.

      Expected Results

      • The automation should display a consistent message every time it is run.  

      Actual Results

      • Although in both scenarios the automation continues executing, it doesn't display a consistent message every time it is run. Sometimes displaying the error, and sometimes running successfully by displaying the information message in the audit log.


      Currently, there is no known workaround for this behavior. 

        1. image-2024-01-26-11-34-00-931.png
          30 kB
          Barışcan Elkama
        2. image-2024-01-26-11-37-26-426.png
          27 kB
          Barışcan Elkama

            Unassigned Unassigned
            2711b2aa3c24 Barışcan Elkama
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