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  1. Automation for Cloud
  2. AUTO-1066

User condition doesn't work if the role has more than 50 members


    • Minor

      Issue Summary

      The user condition is not met despite users having access via a role in the project when access is granted via a group to the role

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add a group with more than 50 members and grant this group the Service Desk Team/Custom role under the People section of the project
      2. Use automation, add a user condition that says if a user is in the role Service Desk Team/Custom role then perform the below actions
      3. Execute the rule and observe that the rule executes but fails at the user condition

      Expected Results

      The rule executes when the condition is met

      Actual Results

      The user condition fails so no actions are performed. Automation is considering the numbers from the group as well to apply the user filtering


      Split the role or remove users from the group/role.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            74e7fd576f90 Prathiksha
            14 Vote for this issue
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