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  1. Atlassian Product Integrations
  2. API-57

As a user I'd like the ability to import Jira issues into Sheets without adding header row


    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Currently a header row is automatically inserted into a Google Sheet when a job to import issues from Jira is executed.  This header row contains field names such as "Issue Type", "Key", "Summary", "Assignee", "Reporter", "Status", etc.  Imported issues are inserted below this header row.

      As a user I'd like the ability to import Jira issues into Sheets without adding this header row containing the names of the fields.

      Existing workarounds using Google Sheets today:

      • Returning all issues from a JQL minus the header:
      =QUERY(JIRA("project=TEST", "issueKey, assignee.displayName, status, summary"), "SELECT * OFFSET 1", 0)
      • Returning a single issue without the header
      =INDEX(JIRA("key=ABC-123", "issueKey, assignee.displayName, status, summary"), 2, 0)

            tcrusson Tanguy Crusson
            khamilton@atlassian.com Kristin Hamilton (Inactive)
            5 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
