Not sure if this is the same ask. I am looking for a way to tell the sheet to tell the Jira pull to update itself.,
Context: Embed the sheet in Confluence. Provide confluence-reading user a link they can click to make the sheet update itself - without making the sheet editable by the confluence user. Confluence blocks activation of google sheet buttons (I have one in the sheet that triggers the Jira update via a google script) .
Current workaround experiment : have a teeny google form iframed into Confluence. Spreadsheet detects responses and activates Jira refresh via a script.
(the script just adds/removes a space from the JIRA query string to fool into firing - this was someone else's idea - but lost the link/name - but, thanks)
My organization uses this integration all the time, but if they need to force a refresh sooner than an hour, they have to ping me (the person who set it up) to click the button. I've have 5 separate people this week ask why I couldn't add an Apps Script button to allow them to force refresh themselves. Please!