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  1. Atlassian Guard
  2. ACCESS-653

Migrating from Atlassian Server products where SCIM was enabled to Atlassian Cloud and then using Atlassian Access SCIM causes users to be given GUID usernames



      Migrating from Atlassian Server products where SCIM was enabled to Atlassian Cloud and then using Atlassian Access SCIM causes users to be given GUID (or UUID) usernames.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Have a Jira/Confluence server setup connected to an IDP for SCIM.
      2. Migrate from Server to Cloud using Jira site import.
      3. Enable Atlassian Access & SCIM in new Cloud site

      Expected Results

      SCIM will be enabled and users will sync to the IDP and retain their configuration as they did in cloud.

      Actual Results

      Some users are issued new usernames in the form of UUID's, this breaks the connection to all their historic work done in the server instance.

      Workaround for Jira Site Import 

      • If you are performing Jira's Site Import for a migration / data restore and are worried about user's content getting unmapped due to this bug.
      • Provision users via SCIM
      • Then use the option "I've migrated user data using the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant" on the Restore System Screen and leave all users in the XML files that you are importing.
      • The users content will be mapped correctly based on the email address as the common identifier.

            gvenkatesh@atlassian.com Gautam Venkatesh
            nwolfgang Battlebeard (Inactive)
            21 Vote for this issue
            55 Start watching this issue
