Resolution: Unresolved
Issue Summary
The shadow IT discovered product feature does not show the correct user count for the sites created by Managed users.
Steps to Reproduce
- Go to admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.
- Select Security > Discovered products.
- It will show the site created by the managed account.
- We have a "user count" section for each site.
- An incorrect number is shown.
Expected Results
The user count for the discovered site should show the number of active users associated with it.
Actual Results
A random number number including system users (eg. connect addon users) is shown in the site user count.
Contact the org admin for the site to get the list of user associated with it.
- duplicates
ACCESS-1070 The user count of the product displayed in Discovered Products is incorrect.
- Gathering Impact
- is related to
ACCESS-1321 Update discovered products page to not count hidden system users
- Gathering Interest