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  1. Atlassian Access
  2. ACCESS-1569

Google Workspace - Selective domain claim and default domain claim settings



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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      At this moment, the Google Workspace integration automatically verifies all the domains from the Google Workspace account. 

      While this is very convenient since there is no need to follow any additional steps to verify the domains from the Atlassian side again (documentation for reference here: Verify a domain to manage accounts), there is no mechanism to select which domains should be verified. 

      The lack of this feature can cause: 

      1. Unwanted domains to become verified under the Atlassian Organization. Including sub-domains. 
      2. If a large number of domains end up listed on Atlassian side, the domains screen can start to throw 429 errors (see bug ACCESS-1517). 
      3. Domains that are verified by Google are automatically set to claim automatically by default. Even when the users are not set in the provisioned scope of the integration (groups selected in the Sync users only in specific groups field), their Atlassian Accounts will be automatically claimed, which might end up increasing the number of active users. 


      Provide a mechanism to select which domains should be verified on Atlassian side. Perhaps, a query can be made to Google first to retrieve the domains, and based on the results there could be a selector field like the one that is available for groups (Sync users only in specific groups)

      For the automatic claim (item 3 above), it would be ideal to provide the possibility to choose the claim behavior before the domains are verified to avoid adding new unwanted users to the Atlassian Organization. 


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              bd4a89fcb3fe Renan Andrade
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