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IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

    • 5
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      With an active Atlassian Access subscription, you can decide which groups from your Google Workspace should be synced to an Atlassian Organization. 

      However, the mechanism that makes that happen is different when compared to the other SCIM integrations:

      • With SCIM, it's possible to manage which groups should be synced by assigning them to the Atlassian Cloud application on the Identity Provider side. This is beneficial because it provides a centralized place to manage all users and group assignments. 
      • With the Google Workspace integration, the group has to be created on the Identity Provider first and then assigned in the Google Workspace configuration on Atlassian side. 

      The Google Workspace integration ends up requiring work from 2 different teams. Besides that, when using groups to manage a highly granular level of permissions, as shown below, the field Sync users only in specific groups become too overcrowded and difficult to manage: 

      • jira-<project-key>admin
      • jira-<project-key>user
      • confluence<space-key>-admin.
      • confluence<space-key>-user.
      • etc


      • Provide an option to decide which groups should be synced to Atlassian directly from Google Workspace.
      • Improve the UI so it can better handle a high number of groups. The current UI might work well for companies with fewer groups on Google, but it doesn’t get displayed well for a company with thousands. The workaround consists in checking Directory -> Groups to check which groups have the padlock icon, which adds a lot of extra effort for admins. 
      • Ideally, include Regex as an alternative to select which groups should be synced instead of manually adding each one of them. This option could be available on Atlassian side and would allow syncing new groups that were created on Google that satisfy the Regex pattern without requiring additional manual effort. 

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.

              • 5
              • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

                With an active Atlassian Access subscription, you can decide which groups from your Google Workspace should be synced to an Atlassian Organization. 

                However, the mechanism that makes that happen is different when compared to the other SCIM integrations:

                • With SCIM, it's possible to manage which groups should be synced by assigning them to the Atlassian Cloud application on the Identity Provider side. This is beneficial because it provides a centralized place to manage all users and group assignments. 
                • With the Google Workspace integration, the group has to be created on the Identity Provider first and then assigned in the Google Workspace configuration on Atlassian side. 

                The Google Workspace integration ends up requiring work from 2 different teams. Besides that, when using groups to manage a highly granular level of permissions, as shown below, the field Sync users only in specific groups become too overcrowded and difficult to manage: 

                • jira-<project-key>admin
                • jira-<project-key>user
                • confluence<space-key>-admin.
                • confluence<space-key>-user.
                • etc


                • Provide an option to decide which groups should be synced to Atlassian directly from Google Workspace.
                • Improve the UI so it can better handle a high number of groups. The current UI might work well for companies with fewer groups on Google, but it doesn’t get displayed well for a company with thousands. The workaround consists in checking Directory -> Groups to check which groups have the padlock icon, which adds a lot of extra effort for admins. 
                • Ideally, include Regex as an alternative to select which groups should be synced instead of manually adding each one of them. This option could be available on Atlassian side and would allow syncing new groups that were created on Google that satisfy the Regex pattern without requiring additional manual effort. 

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        bd4a89fcb3fe Renan Andrade
                        7 Vote for this issue
                        9 Start watching this issue


                            Unassigned Unassigned
                            bd4a89fcb3fe Renan Andrade
                            7 Vote for this issue
                            9 Start watching this issue
