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  1. Atlassian Access
  2. ACCESS-1418

Improve how G Sync group management works: delete groups from sync without the need of deleting the integration



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      Problem Definition

      Currently, there is no option to delete groups from the sync and make it a site group without removing the integration. We do have the option to delete the group from Org > Directory > User provisioning but that would also delete it from the site.

      It would be great to have the option to remove a group from the sync so the site/org admins can manage it the way they want. Then, if they need to re-sync that through Google, they can edit the settings and select that group again then resolve group conflict.

      Suggested Solutions

      Create a feature that allows org admins to remove synced groups from the integration without having to delete the integration nor delete it from the site. The idea is to keep that group and the users within it as a site group so they can manage it and add other users that are not part of the sync.


        Issue Links



              maho Matthew Ho (Inactive)
              jnunes@atlassian.com João Nunes
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue

