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  1. Atlassian Guard
  2. ACCESS-1413

Allow admin to disable notification emails that were sent after G-Suite integration


    • 16
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      At the moment, whenever we integrate G-Suite with Atlassian Cloud, every user created under the domain will receive notification email.


      There are some occasions where we don't want to send notifications to everyone. There isn't enough control and not all users should receive this notification (eg. executives).


      Allow disabling of email notification that was sent after G-suite integration

      Work around

      The only current workaround for this behavior is to not integrate with G Suite. Users provisioned via any other supported identity provider (including a Google Cloud method that is separate from the G Suite integration) will not cause newly provisioned users to receive emails.

            maho Matthew Ho (Inactive)
            erezkyabdullah Ezra Alamsyah Rezky Abdullah (Inactive)
            25 Vote for this issue
            41 Start watching this issue
