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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-70115

development[deployments].environment JQL function doesn't return all matched environments


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 8.0.2, 8.2.0
    • JQL

      Issue Summary

      When a Jira issue matches more than 4 successful deployments. The development field summary on the issue navigator would indicate that the issue is deployed to environments 1,2, 3 and x more... where 1,2,3 for example are different environments and x are as many more environments as are not explicitly listed in the issue navigator summary, but are collapsed. When searching for issues that match a deployment environment collapsed under the ... and x more collapsed list using development[deployments].environment JQL, the issues are not matched.


      Jira 8.0.2+
      Any version of Bamboo

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Integrate Jira with Bamboo
      2. Ensure there are Jira issues deployed successfully to more than 3 deployment environments as shown below for example:

        note that "taiwo environment 5" is the environment not explicitly mentioned, but is actually collapsed under and 1 more in screenshot above:
      3. Execute JQL such as:
        development[deployments].environment = "..."

        Where "..." is any of the environment shown in the deployment details for an issue.

      Expected Results

      For every environment used in that JQL for example, Jira should return the issue (DEMO-24 in this example).

      Actual Results

      Jira only returns DEMO-24 for the environments specifically named in the development field summary on issue navigator

      environments that are collapsed under and 'x' more (in this example "taiwo environment 5" )are not matched by development[deployments].environment =
      development[deployments].environment in


      Currently no workaround


      • Issue is neither caused by stale indexes nor resolved by re-indexing. Note that both the issue navigator's development field summary and detail shows the collapsed environments, however the JQL only returns the ones explicitly named in the summary and doesn't match the collapsed environments.
      • issue.property[development].environment is broken in similar manner

        1. deployment-details.png
          48 kB
        2. deployment-summary.png
          17 kB
        3. deployment-match.png
          16 kB
        4. deployment-not-matched.png
          26 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            takindele Taiwo Akindele (Inactive)
            6 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
