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  1. Crowd Data Center
  2. CWD-6163

Assign users to group: Missing visual label for the form fields


      Issue Summary

      Visual label is missing for "Add users" input field present in the main content area.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open the "Assign users to group" page.
      2. Navigate onto the mentioned instance.
      3. Observe that no visual label is provided for the input field.


      Actual Results

      The visual label is not provided for "Add users" input field.
      As a result, cognitive users will find it difficult to understand the purpose of the input field after typing the text in the input field and low-vision users will also find it difficult, as the placeholder text fails the minimum color contrast ratio i.e., 4.5:1. 

      Expected Results

      The visual label should be provided, as well as it should be implicitly/explicitly associated with the input field. 


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available.


      MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021)
      macOs Sonoma 14.0
      Chrome - Version 118.0.5993.70 (Official Build) (arm64)
      Firefox- Version 92.0 (64-bit) 
      Safari- Version 17.0 (19616.
      JAWS- Version 2023 
      NVDA- Version 2021.2 
      Voiceover - Version Latest

            Unassigned Unassigned
            1833d2e1842a Rahul Patil
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