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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-95288

Broken style for Space Tools button and links in the page tree


      Issue Summary

      This is reproducible on Data Center: yes

      • The Space Tools button isn't visible when clicked; the text becomes white without a background, making it difficult to read; this was not the case in older versions.
      • When applying custom color for "Links" from Space Tools >> Look and Feel >> Color Scheme , this does not apply to the links of the pages in the page tree 


      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to a space >> Click on "Space Tools" in the lower left corner, the button has a transparent background, resulting in invisible text
      2. Go to Space Tools >> Look and Feel >> Color Scheme >> Select Custom >> Change the color for "Links" to red >> Save. Go back to the page tree, and notice that the links are not using the color expected

      Expected Results

      The space tools button should be visible when clicked and custom color for links should be applied for page titles in the page tree

      Actual Results

      The space tools button is not visible when clicked and the custom color for links is not applied for links in the page tree


      Go to General Configuration >> Stylesheet, and add the following custom CSS

      .ia-fixed-sidebar div.plugin_pagetree ul.plugin_pagetree_children_list .plugin_pagetree_children_span a {color: var(--confluence-color-scheme-linkColor, var(--ds-link)) !important;}
      .aui-button.active:not(.aui-button-link) {--aui-btn-text: var(--confluence-color-scheme-linkColor, var(--ds-link))!important;} 

        1. page tree links.png
          page tree links.png
          71 kB
        2. spacetools button.png
          spacetools button.png
          57 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mkurdi@atlassian.com Mohamed K
            4 Vote for this issue
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