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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-25237

Adding Team Field to screen triggers history event for every update



      When adding the JIRA Portfolio "TEAM" custom field to a screen, if a value is present a issue history event is triggered on every update without making a change to the value. This is extremely evident when added to EDIT issue Screen

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create project linked to a plan
      2. Create a "shared team" in the plan
      3. Add the "TEAM" field a screen (i.e. EDIT screen)
      4. Trigger the screen and update other fields without adding value to the TEAM field
        1. Note only updated fields are listed in issue history, Team field shows no update
      5. trigger the same screen again and add the shared team to the TEAM field
        1. NOTE Team field correctly listed in issue history as a modified item
      6. Trigger other field updates via the same screen without modifying the team value

      Expected Results

      Only updated fields are listed as modified in change history

      Actual Results

      Modified fields are shown correctly and on some updates the TEAM field is listed as changed but is not listed for others.


      see screenshot below:

      Adding TEAM to the EDIT Screen The following items DO show the update to the to the Team field of "TS board team" to "TS board team"

      • Description
      • Summary
      • Assignee
      • Clicking update without making any changes to other fields
      • Priority
      • Comment

      BUT The following DO NOT show an update to the TEAM Field applying the same action:

      • Link Issue
      • Epic Link


      • Do not add the team field to the edit Screen, and only add it in a single transition that you would like to use to set the team field.
      • Do not add team to a screen and modify values in portfolio Scope View OR under the People Section of the Main issue view.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
            11 Vote for this issue
            18 Start watching this issue
