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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-8475

Importing JIRA Service Desk Server site export into JIRA Cloud fails with version error




      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      When attempting to migrate from JIRA Server 7.2.X running JIRA Service Desk 3.2.X, the import process fails displaying an error that indicates JIRA Service Desk should first be upgraded before being imported into Cloud.


      JIRA Cloud - v1000.319.1
      JIRA Service Desk - v3.3.0-OD-1000.335.0

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Ensure your JIRA Server install is running JIRA 7.2.0 or later
      2. Ensure you have installed JIRA Service Desk 3.2.0 or later from the Atlassian Marketplace
      3. Run a full export of your JIRA Server install
      4. Attempt to import this into JIRA Cloud

      Expected Results

      The External System Import process should complete without error

      Actual Results

      The External System Import process fails and displays the following error:

      "We can't complete your upgrade. It looks like the data you are trying to import is from an earlier version of JIRA Service Desk. You need to upgrade to JIRA Service Desk 3.0 first, then export new data and try again. Read these upgrade notes for instructions: http://confluence.atlassian.com/migration/jira-7/server_jira+jsd_upgrade"


      Searching in the entities.xml file, you will see that the version of Service Desk running has not been completely upgraded:

      com.atlassian.activeobjects.admin.ActiveObjectsPluginToTablesMapping : {"AO_54307E_VIEWPORTFIELDVALUE":{"key":"com.atlassian.servicedesk","name":"JIRA Service Desk","version":"2.3.6","vendorName":"Atlassian","vendorUrl":"http://www.atlassian.com"},"AO_54307E_QUEUECOLUMN":{"key":"com.atlassian.servicedesk","name":"JIRA Service Desk","version":"2.3.6","vendorName":"Atlassian","vendorUrl":"http://www.atlassian.com"}

      This is caused by the customer most likely installed at some point the JIRA Service Desk plugin jar (even though it was not licensed) OR Skipping major versions


      The JIRA Server install must be downgraded in order to resolve this issue

      1. Setup a temporary install of JIRA Server 7.1.9 and connect to a new database
      2. Create an XML backup of JIRA Server
        • import this backup into the 7.1.9 Server.
        • When running the import, JIRA will confirm that you want to downgrade your data
      3. Once your JIRA 7.1.9 Server is running with your 7.2 data you can proceed to install JIRA Service Desk 3.1.9 https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.atlassian.servicedesk.application/versions]
        • Make sure a license is added. You can generate an evaluation license by going to my.atlassian.com.
        • To apply this license, you will want to go here: JIRA Administration > Applications > Versions & Licenses
      4. Once the installation is complete and you have added the license, refresh the Versions & Licenses page
        • Confirm that you see the Service Desk options on the left side. This will confirm that Service Desk loaded.
      5. Create an XML backup of your JIRA 7.1.9 Server
      6. Import this backup into your JIRA Cloud instance

      New workaround:

      Removing the Service Desk Upgrade History entries of type 6 from the entities.xml file allow the import to go through as well.
      The entries are like the ones below:

       <OSPropertyEntry id="22441" entityName="com.atlassian.servicedesk:Upgrade.History" entityId="1" propertyKey="2015-06-09T01:05:46.639+02:00" type="6"/>
       <OSPropertyEntry id="22442" entityName="com.atlassian.servicedesk:Upgrade.History" entityId="2" propertyKey="2015-06-09T01:05:48.545+02:00" type="6"/>

      We can then remove these entries running the following command:

      sed -i '/<OSPropertyEntry.*com.atlassian.servicedesk.*type="6"/d' entities.xml

      After that, just zip the files back and run the import.

      If Jira Service Desk was in the evaluation years ago and you're good to lose all data on JSD, you could also apply the steps here:


      If you're using Mac and encounter the following error when running the command:

      error sed: 1: “entities.xml”: invalid command code e

      This is because -i flag has a mandatory suffix, as described here. Whereas, the suffix is optional on Ubuntu. So, please use this command for the workaround:

      sed -i "" '/<OSPropertyEntry.*com.atlassian.servicedesk.*type="6"/d' entities.xml


        1. importfailure.png
          88 kB
        2. 721.zip
          75 kB
          Lachlan G

        Issue Links



              alang@atlassian.com Adam Lang
              mlavender mlavender (Inactive)
              3 Vote for this issue
              34 Start watching this issue

