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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-4916

Request Type Key Creation Inconsistency



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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.


      Atlassian Update - October 2023

      Hi Everyone,

      Thank you for previously raising this feature request and bringing it to our attention.

      Within our company roadmap and work capacity, we try to address or review each feature request but admit that not each one will be implemented. To continue the culture of being honest and open, we are closing this ticket to focus on our upcoming roadmap for all Jira Service Management Cloud users. You can visit Atlassian Cloud Roadmap to learn more about what was recently released and the upcoming roadmap.

      Thank you again for providing valuable feedback to our team!

      Subhra Majhi 
      Jira Service Management Cloud team

      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      Request Type Key Creation Inconsistency

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create a Service Deks Project.
      2. Navigate to Project Administration > Request Types
      3. Create a Request Types using the provided Button with name E.g. Monitor
      4. Then, do the same but using the available Public Experimental REST API

      Expected Solution:

      • Both will have the same format of Request Type Key.

      Actual Result:

      There will be a difference between the Request Type that is created using REST API or from GUI. This information could be retrieved by using PRIVATE or INTERNAL REST API of JIRA Service Desk:

      GET /servicedesk/1/pages/settings/requesttypes/{projectKey}
      1. Experimental REST API
          "projectKey": "ISD",
          "projectId": "10001",
          "portalKey": "isd",
          "requestTypes": [
              "id": 20,
              "key": "rest2",
              "name": "REST",
              "description": "Please tell us clearly the problem you have within 100 words.",
              "descriptionHtml": "<p>Please tell us clearly the problem you have within 100 words.</p>",
              "projectId": 1,
              "issueTypeId": 10006,
              "issueTypeName": "",
              "parentKey": "isd",
              "callToAction": "REST",
              "intro": "REST",
              "introHtml": "<p>REST</p>",
              "icon": 10527,
              "order": 0
      1. Project GUI
        	<continue from above>
              "id": 18,
              "key": "9cf89dda-2bd2-41e3-9ce9-9deb621fe4a9",
              "name": "Monitor",
              "description": "",
              "descriptionHtml": "",
              "projectId": 1,
              "issueTypeId": 10007,
              "issueTypeName": "",
              "parentKey": "isd",
              "callToAction": "Monitor",
              "intro": "",
              "introHtml": "",
              "icon": 10532,
              "order": 2


      It looks like the REST API is still using Old Method which is RequestTypeInternalManagerScala


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