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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-73044

The status property key jira.permission.assignable.group is ignored


      Issue Summary

      As explained in Workflow Properties, it is possible to add properties to statuses in workflows to change the behavior of a ticket, once a ticket enters this status.

      For example, when using the property key jira.permission.assignable.group, we can limit the users who can be assigned an issue to only members of a specific group.

      The problem is that, since Jira 8.19.1, the property key jira.permission.assignable.group is not longer taken into account: instead of only returning users from a particular group in the assignee user picker, all users are listed.

      This bug is a regression of the optimized user search which was introduced in Jira 8.19.1 by fixing the 4 bugs listed below:


      Jira 8.19.1 and any higher version.

      Steps to replicate

      • Install a fresh vanilla Jira 8.19.1 instance
      • Create a new Jira project (for example, Jira Core project)
      • Create 2 users in the Jira instance, with only 1 user is in the group jira-administrators
      • Configure the status "To Do" in the workflow of the Jira Core project with the property key jira.permission.assignable.group set to jira-administrators

        - Create a new ticket and transition it to the "To Do" status
      • Click on the pencil button next to the assignee field

      Expected results

      Only the user who belongs to the group jira-administrators should be listed

      Actual results

      Users who don't belong to the group jira-administrators are also listed:


      No workaround available

        1. Issue_Replicated1.png
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        2. Issue_Replicated2.png
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        3. Issue_Replicated3.png
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              Unassigned Unassigned
              jrey Julien Rey
              20 Vote for this issue
              16 Start watching this issue
