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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-68450

Issue history displays user key instead of username for reporter or assignee changes


      When viewing a Jira issue, the History tab records changes in assignee/reporter using app_user.user_key. This is the only place in the UI where this identifier, normally used only internally in Jira, is used. This should be app_user.lower_user_name to maintain consistency with other UI elements. Raising as a bug as this has GDPR implications; even after anonymizing usernames personal information could be leaked to the UI as user_key is an immutable value.

      Steps to Replicate

      1. Create a user (e.g. jsmith).
      2. Change its username (e.g. to john.smith)
      3. Go to any issue and select john.smith as either the assignee or the reporter.
      4. Click on the History tab.
      5. The change will display the username jsmith instead of john.smith:

      Expected Result
      Since the user key is only used internally by the application, we should not expose this information to end-users. The current username should be displayed instead (john.smith).

      Additional information about the user rename feature:

            bibbotson@atlassian.com Brandon Ibbotson (Inactive)
            troyall TJ Royall
            63 Vote for this issue
            82 Start watching this issue
