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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-67225

JIRA 7.9.0 ignore minimum downgrade version


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Medium Medium
    • None
    • 7.9.0
    • None


      JIRA 7.9 ignore the minimum downgrade version shown from the entities.xml file.

      grep jira.downgrade.minimum.version entities.xml
           jira.downgrade.minimum.version                : 7.1.2
      grep '<OSPropertyString id="14"' entities.xml
          <OSPropertyString id="14" value="7.1.2"/>


      • JIRA 7.9.0 and Postgres database

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Install a new JIRA 7.9.0 instance and export an XML backup out
      2. Install a new JIRA 7.1.2 instance and import 7.9.0 XML backup
      3. Failed with the error message:
        2018-04-27 18:59:16,929 JiraImportTaskExecutionThread-1 INFO admin 1139x181x1 1olypsh /secure/admin/XmlRestore.jspa [c.a.j.bc.dataimport.OfbizImportHandler] Failed to parse value for element UpgradeTaskHistoryAuditLog.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [GenericDelegator.makeValue] could not find entity for entityName: UpgradeTaskHistoryAuditLog
        org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericModelException: Could not find definition for entity name UpgradeTaskHistory

      or stopped at 20% with the following message in the UI:

      and without any error message in logs:

      2018-04-25 12:52:09,871 JiraImportTaskExecutionThread-1 INFO d.munjiza 771x3298x1 rv21qs /secure/admin/XmlRestore.jspa [c.a.j.bc.dataimport.DefaultDataImportService] Importing data is 20% complete...

      Expected Results

      It should to be able to downgrade as per entry from entities.xml file

      Actual Results

      Failed with errors above.


      No workaround at the moment.


      This bug doesn't appear when when importing XML backup with lower version (tested with 7.2.6)

        1. xml-error.jpeg
          37 kB
          Marko Filipan

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ckimloong John Chin
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