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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-59285

Jira Issue Collector Integration with Confluence


    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      There are two minor issues with the integration between Confluence and the Issue Collector:

      Collector Position

      This one is related to the position that we will need the collector to be displayed in Confluence. When creating a new Issue Collector, one of the options that you can edit is the Trigger Style. However, once you have created and saved it, you will still have the Edit option, but, even changing the position for the trigger style, it will not be refreshed in Confluence. Even if you remove and add the new script, the position will be the same than the first time.

      The workaround is to create a new Issue Collector with the new position.

      Collector Location

      This one is a bit more aesthetic. When selecting the Subtle option for the Trigger Style, it will be displayed in the bottom of the page. However, if you edit this page, the collector will be in the same location of the Close or the Save button. This will make the user to scroll more in order to search for the options to finish the editing of the page.

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            gdecampos Giuliano C.
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