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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-41293

Links from JIRA Use Relative URLs for Activity Stream/Gadgets


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      Links from JIRA in Activity Stream/Gadgets (this includes other Atlassian products like Confluence) always use relative URLs (/foo/bar) instead of absolute URLs (http://www.example.com/foo/bar). When a user in a different application (Confluence) clicks a link in the Activity Stream/Gadgets generated by JIRA it will give them a 404 not found error (since it will try to load the relative URL in the Confluence base URL).

      Reproduction steps:

      1. Install JIRA and Confluence (tested with JIRA 6.2.2, 6.3.12, 7.11.2 and Confluence 5.5.3, 5.6.5,6.10.2)
      2. Setup an Application Link between the two
      3. Subscribe to JIRA gadgets in Confluence
        • This allows you to use the JIRA activity stream gadget
      4. Create test data in JIRA
      5. Create a page in Confluence with the JIRA activity stream
      6. Click the JIRA links that are shown in the stream

      Expected behavior

      Click the link takes you to the item in JIRA

      Actual behavior

      The standard Confluence Page not found error or a blank page


      The following screenshot shows the relative link in the JIRA activity stream, and what happens when you click the link in an Activity Stream in Confluence:

        1. activity_stream.png
          517 kB
        2. failed_link.png
          333 kB
        3. wrong_url.png
          142 kB
        4. Jira_URL.png
          413 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            sbrannen@atlassian.com Branno
            85 Vote for this issue
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