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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-34276

Mail handler is not able to pick up the attachment


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      Here is the steps to reproduce the issue:

      1. Install a new JIRA instance and create new project.
      2. Set up the mail handler to pick up the local file.
      3. Add the file test.eml in the folder <JIRA home directory>/import/mail.
      4. Wait for 1 minute to let the handler to read the file to create a new issue:

        It seems that the attachment file is not picked up by JIRA.

      PS: The file test.eml can be correctly open via Outlook and it shows that there is an attachment file inside.

        1. Screen_Shot_2013-08-13_at_11.03.42_AM.png
          152 kB
          Pelle Kirkeby
        2. test.eml
          31 kB
          Pelle Kirkeby

            mmcmahon Matthew McMahon (Inactive)
            yilinmo Yilin (Inactive)
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            8 Start watching this issue
