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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-30030

Configure Fields button allows users to hide Required Checkbox Fields



      When Creating a new issue, a button is presented that allows users to 'Configure Fields', which allows the user to show a customised sub-set of the fields that have been configured for the Create issue Screen. This functionality is further described in: Creating an Issue

      The expectation is that Required Fields are never hidden from the user. Some circumstances allow for Users to hide required custom fields.

      This functionality of hiding fields can not be easily disabled as per: JRA-27707

      Most Fields appear to function in an expected manner.


      • This behaviour was observed on a new JIRA 6.4.9 instance without any custom Add-ons installed.
      • The Browser used to access the JIRA instance was: Google Chrome: 44.0.2403.130.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a custom field (Checkbox type is a good example) and add it to the Create Issue Screen.
      2. Create a new project using the modal style create an issue.
      3. Observe that the user is able to customise the Fields being shown. It is possible to hide a required field (checkbox type)
      4. When the user attempts to submit the form, if the required field does not have a value, it is shown when the hidden field fails to validate.

        Expected Results

        If a field is required, it should not be possible for a user to hide the filed.

      Actual Results

      It is currently possible to hide required fields as per the screenshot below.


      1. The field is shown if it does not have a value on attempting to create the issue.
      2. The Fields can not be configured if the user is not using the Create issue Dialog box.
      3. In my testing, using JIRA 6.4.9: I was unable to observe this behaviour with the following field types:
        • Select
        • Text Area
        • Label
        • Date
        • Date Time
        • Number
        • Multi-line text area.
      4. In my testing, using JIRA 6.4.9: Was able to observe this issue with:
        • Checkbox

        1. checkbox02.png
          80 kB
        2. checkbox03.png
          63 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            jgarcia John Garcia (Inactive)
            24 Vote for this issue
            23 Start watching this issue
