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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-27518

Format of Wiki renderer fields in HTML Emails for updates wrong


      Issue Summary

      Format of Wiki renderer fields in HTML Emails for updates is wrong

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create an Issue with this description:
        	h5. getting an Exception when trying to search  for "*+Gift certificate number+*"  in BO
        *+How to reproduce?+*
        #	In BO go to order Tab | Extras | Gift certificate number .
        #       Click "*+search Button+*" 
        #       now in the Filter choose "*+Gift certificate number+*" + "*+Is+*"   (eg. QFP5NLEUW45DTAUX).
        #       when get the Msg Box "Not found " press "Ok" .(see attachment)
      2. Enable email to yourself and HTML for the current user
      3. Edit Issue and change the line
        when get the Msg Box "Not found " press "Ok" .(see attachment)


        when you get the Msg Box "Not found " press "Ok" .(see attachment)

      Expected Results

      An email notification is sent, showing what changed, with the HTML/Visual format intact.

      Actual Results

      A notification is is sent showing the wiki markup instead of the visual format:


      Currently there is no known workaround for this behavior. A workaround will be added here when available

            Unassigned Unassigned
            rtandon@atlassian.com Ruchi Tandon
            32 Vote for this issue
            33 Start watching this issue
