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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-26061

Firefox 7 crashes when trying to create subtasks in Jira 4.4.3


      Problem report from a customer upgraded to 4.4.3 customer has noticed that they no longer can create a sub-task as Firefox (all versions from 3.6.23 to 7.0.0) crashes when opening the drop box to select the sub-task issue type.

      The customer has been holding off in giving a backup but has supplied html which replicates their crash when opening the drop down to select the sub-task issue type.

      Hi Michael, this seems to be closely related to the size of the string:

      the crash file is the complete label string as copied above in a simple html code, it full crash firefox.
      The work2 was the temporary file with a shorter string, it makes firefox hang (not crash as brutally), but unrecoverable either.
      the ok file is a very short version of the file and load just fine....
      BTW, the list includes project (at the end) starting with 'zzz' which are archived projects. Those projects have a special "Permission Scheme" that doesn't allow anyone to create/update/close issues, so why are they appearing in that list ?

      Best Regards,

      When FF is executed in the command line and sub-task-crash.html is used this error message comes up:

      ###!!! ABORT: X_CreatePixmap: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation); 2 requests ago: file /build/src/mozilla-release/toolkit/xre/nsX11ErrorHandler.cpp, line 199
      ###!!! ABORT: X_CreatePixmap: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation); 2 requests ago: file /build/src/mozilla-release/toolkit/xre/nsX11ErrorHandler.cpp, line 199

        1. sub-task-work-ok.html
          1 kB
        2. sub-task-work2.html
          2 kB
        3. sub-task-crash.html
          7 kB
        4. subtask.png
          30 kB

            rsmart metapoint
            mandreacchio Michael Andreacchio
            5 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
