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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-25070

You cannot delete / remove optional post functions which have been added to the 'initial transition' (i.e. 'Create' transition) of a JIRA workflow.


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      The 'initial transition' (aka the 'Create Issue' transition') is a special type of transition that's available in all newly created JIRA workflows (as well as copies of the default workflow), which is activated when the user creates an issue and leads to the first step of an issue's workflow.

      When you add a transition to any workflow in JIRA, JIRA automatically adds 5 'essential post functions' to that transition, which cannot be deleted.

      On the other hand, a workflow's 'initial transition' only has 2 'essential post functions':

      • One of which is 1 of the 5 'essential post functions' (required for other transitions)
      • The other of which is unique to any workflow's 'initial transition'.

      However, you can add the remaining 4 'essential post functions' (required for other transitions) to the 'initial transition', as 'optional post functions'. However, once they've been added, they cannot be removed.

      Please ensure a 'Delete' link is available on these 'optional post functions' for the 'initial transition' as they are not 'essential post functions' in this context.

      See this page for a workaround for JIRA server: How to remove optional post functions from the initial transition in a workflow

      Applicable Workaround for cloud:

      • Create a new project as a new standard workflow
      • Add the workflow to the workflow scheme for the project
      • Change the workflow scheme for the project to use the new workflow
      • Migrate existing issues to new project using bulk move
      • delete the old workflow

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ggaskell Giles Gaskell [Atlassian]
            46 Vote for this issue
            28 Start watching this issue
