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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-24112

Select and Multi Select Fields Width Don't Fit to Options Text Length on Create Issue Screen


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      Select and multi select fields width doesn't fits to options text length after upgrade from JIRA 4.0.2 to 4.2.2.
      In 4.2.2 the width of fields are fixed on 250px in CSS file, which causes the text to be cut.

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Create a custom field select list or multi select list.
      • Create options with 40 characters or more.
      • Link this field to the default issue creation screen.
      • Try to create a screen and figure that the text has been cut due to field width.

      Check screenshots for further information around css files config provided by firebug.

      This behavior appears in all browsers.

            ohernandez@atlassian.com Oswaldo Hernandez (Inactive)
            lnunes Leandro Fanese Nunes [Atlassian]
            8 Vote for this issue
            18 Start watching this issue
