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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-65456

Not possible to use basic search with users that changed username



      If you change the username of an user on the user management screen, when you try to use the user on any JQL query on the issue navigator, you will not be able to select basic search, it will appear greyed out, the only option is advanced search.


      *Cloud environment
      *JIRA Cloud Version: 7.2.0-OD-03-010

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. First of all, create a user and then change the username of this user
      2. Open your JIRA Cloud instance, at the top open the "Search" menu and click on "search for issues"
      3. On the advanced search build a query that uses the username of the user that changed the username
      4. An example: "assignee = [username]"
      5. Try to use the basic search, the button is greyed.

      Expected Results

      You will be able to change to basic search

      Actual Results

      Basic search is restricted only for users that did not changed username


      No Notes


      The user must use the advanced search.

      You can see the screenshot attached for more details.

        1. jql.png
          23 kB
          Paulo Miguel

            Unassigned Unassigned
            pmiguel Paulo Miguel (Inactive)
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