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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-59330

Inline issue creation doesn't add one-word Components even when board filter specifies one


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      The issue creation via the "+ Create issue" (see screenshot) automatically sets Component, FixVersion whenever the board filter mentions one (and only one).
      A problem turns up when using one-word components. Differently from muliple-word components, these are NOT added to the create dialog. The absence of double quotes to wrap the Component name appears to trigger this problem.

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Create a board that uses a filter like this one: Project = [any one project] and Component = [any one single-word component defined on the project]
      • Go on the Backlog view and hit the button "+Create issue" and then the button "..." (open create dialog)

      Expected behaviour:
      The component field is pre-filled with [any one single-word component defined on the project]

      Actual behaviour:
      The component field is empty

      Notice that
      If the board filter mentions a muliple-word components (insetad of a single-word), the entire flow works fine

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            b2401a4836dd Giorgio Vizzaccaro
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