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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-43280

Link deletion shows as change but not deletion.


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      I am trying to use our instance of JIRA for asset management. I have two tables, one for service users, one for assets. I am using links to identify those assets being used by a user.
      When I create a link and add a comment (Link Asset-7224 to User-869), that is fine. It shows the comment on the Asset, and that there is a link on the user (if I look at "ALL" in the activitiy of the issue).
      However, If I go to the asset and delete the link to the user, what shows is
      ASSET HISTORY: Admin made changes - 8 minutes ago
      Link This issue alloc'd to USER-869 [ USER-869 ]
      USER HISTORY: Admin made changes - 9 minutes ago
      Link This issue alloc'd to ASSET-7224 [ ASSET-7224 ]

      Additionally, if I go to the user record (user-869) and then use the Activity tab within Activity on the issue (as it's a little prettier), it tells you
      "Admin: Admin removed the Link of USER-869 - JO HARDMAN
      Core10 minutes ago"
      But that is not what has happened. What has happened is the deletion of the link to Asset-7224. It makes no sense making the Activity bit unusable, and the ALL bit unusable.

      Why does the ALL tab not say that the link is removed? or the ACTIVITY tab not say what has been removed? We need to keep a history of the links for the whole service desk. Any advice would be appreciated as at present, this is unworkable and we may need to look at another solution.
      (see attached for examples of what the ALL and ACTIVITY tabs show for each issue being linked/link removed.)

        1. Link History broken.jpg
          Link History broken.jpg
          511 kB
        2. dates on activity.jpg
          dates on activity.jpg
          154 kB

            Unassigned Unassigned
            977f0a6c1225 Jo Green
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
