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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-30031

Active number of users on 'Create User' message mismatch Application Access


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None

      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      Inside the Application access of an OnDemand instance we can set how many users are active, thus counting towards to the customer license. However, when creating an user, inside the Users screen (clicking on the '+ Create User' button, beside the 'Invite Users') we can see a message which says:

      There are currently X total user(s) set up in JIRA, of which Y are active and count towards your license limit.

      However, this Y number ignores if an user has or not application access to JIRA. This Y is measured by the condition of the user being part of a group.


      I have a 50 users limit license and 45 users set up in JIRA.

      The message says that: of which 45 are active and count towards your license limit.

      However, if a go to my application access, only 41 users has access to JIRA and are actually counting towards to the license (41 users active, 3 users inactive and 1 user sysadmin).

      Which gives me 9 remaining users. However, when looking at the first screen, it confuses the real number of users which are actually active and counting towards the license.

      We have two screens showing the same information with different results, how many users are active and counting towards the license. This conflicting information is impacting the user management when they are running out of licenses available.

        1. create_new_user.png
          33 kB
        2. application_access.png
          39 kB

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            brosa Bruno Rosa
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