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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-15028

Wiki Renderer creates HTML that causes MS Word 2007 / Outlook 2007 to crash


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding bug report.


      When the following is inputted into JIRA on a field that is configured for the Wiki Render:

      lv2(2): #      ---/--- base------+filesz----+(mem-file) [flags-----]

      The following HTML is generated in a Word Export or in an e-mail notification:

      lv2(2): #      --<del>/</del>-- base-----<del><ins>filesz</del>---</ins>(mem-file) <span class="error">&#91;flags-----&#93;</span><br/>

      This will cause Outlook 2007 (which uses MS Word 2007 to render HTML content now) to crash. Opening the file in MS Word 2007 will also cause it to crash. MS Word 2007 version tested was 12.0.4518.1014

      The suspect here is how </del> is nested in between the <ins> tags. A workaround is to wrap the text in {noformat} tags.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. create an issue an insert this text without any macro:
        lv2(2): #      ---/--- base------+filesz----+(mem-file) [flags-----]
      2. Export the issue to Word
      3. Open the file on a text editor and search for <del>

        Expected Results

        All tags are in the correct format (opening and closing tags are not mixed)

        Actual Results

        The following is found on the export <del><ins>filesz</del>---</ins>


      1. Open Word file on a text editor
      2. Search for: <del><ins>
      3. If after the <del><ins> there is some text and then a </del> then that comment was not generated correctly.
        • a healthy code would close tags in inverse order that were open. e.g: <del><ins>SomeText</ins></del>
        • wrong code <del><ins>SomeText</del></ins>
      4. Find the issue in JIRA by searching any text related to that comment in JIRA search tool and then inside the issue to find the comment.
      5. Wrap the comment or the code part in {noformat} tags
      6. Export to Word again

            Unassigned Unassigned
            davidyu David Yu
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