We currently have a mix of upper-case and lower-case table names in Crowd. For example, ApplicationDirectoryPermission.hbm.xml contains no backticks in the table name:
<class name="com.atlassian.crowd.model.permission.ApplicationDirectoryPermission" table="APPLICATIONDIRECTORYPERMISSION">
while Application.hbm.xml does:
<class name="com.atlassian.crowd.model.application.Application" table="`APPLICATION`">
We should default on one convention as case-sensitive databases like Postgres will require you to wrap all queries that reference the tables or columns in quotes or the query won't be recognized. For people that might be interested in querying the database, or for times when we need to pass some queries to users to run, it would be nice not to have to worry about this.
- is incorporated by
CWD-1507 Crowd Schema + Domain Model update to improve performance and cross-database compliance
- Closed
yes, we did this to resolve the irregularity you have seen here and to generally be inline with JIRA/Confluence/Bamboo etc.