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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-92588

side navigation: elements not accessible with keyboard.


      Issue Summary

      When sidebar is collapsed, the elements such as "space shortcuts", "child pages", & "page tree" are not accessible with keyboard & screen reader.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Navigate to Confluence page.
      2. Collapse the sidebar.
      3. With tab key navigate through sidebar elements.
      4. Observe that the elements such as "page shortcuts" & "page tree" are not accessible with keyboard

      Actual Results

      When the sidebar is collapsed & user navigate with keyboard tab key the elements such as "space shortcuts", "child pages" & "page tree" are not accessible. This makes it difficult for keyboard-only & screen reader users to access the elements.


      Expected Results

      All the interactive elements on the page must be accessible with keyboard & screen reader.

      Code the mentioned elements with <button> elements & provide descriptive labels.

      Also provide aria-expanded attribute to convey the state of the elements. Ensure the value true/false updates as per user interaction


      The elements such as "space shortcuts", "child pages" & "page tree" are accessible when the sidebar is open/expanded. 

            5e496a614b63 Diclehan Erdal
            4b5b126a48d0 ssuryavanshi
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
