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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-67892

Implement 'License Cleanup' feature


    • Icon: Suggestion Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • User - Management
    • None
    • 2
    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      Problem Definition

      Confluence Administrators often need to manage user licenses in order to free up available seats. Currently there's no easy & streamlined process to achieve this goal.

      PS: Atlassian recommends Disabling users (instead of Deleting them) as it keeps the original user's content while reducing the number of used seats. Also, if needed, those accounts can be re-enabled.

      Reference: Confluence - Delete or Disable Users.

      Suggested Solution

      Implement a 'License Cleanup' menu that provides a few tools:

      1. Find users that haven't logged in to Confluence in 3 months (suggested by default, custom value also possible)
      2. Display results in a structured way (username, last login date, created date etc.)
      3. Mention the number of licenses that can be freed up immediately
      4. Export results in PDF, CSV and possibly other formats
      5. 'Disable All' button to bulk Disable users listed in (2) immediately
      6. Define thresholds for when available seats are reaching the limit
      7. Implement threshold warnings (via interface, email etc.)

      Also possible to improve the Unauthorized login screen to specifically mention the user has been disabled and the Confluence Administrator needs to be contacted (something like "Your account has been disabled, please reach out to admin@charlie.com to re-enable it").


      1. Purchase a license with a higher user tier (eg.: 500 users -> 1.000 users)
      2. Use database queries to find and disable/delete users: How to identify inactive users in Confluence

            Unassigned Unassigned
            tpallaro@atlassian.com Thiago Pallaro
            14 Vote for this issue
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