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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-60431

Non latin character attachment names get corrupted when downloaded as "download all", on Linux


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Low Low
    • None
    • 7.4.1, 7.8.1
    • Content - Attachments
    • None


      If a Confluence page has file attachments with Chinese characters in filenames and you click on them one-by-one, they get downloaded to the local disk and the Chinese filenames are preserved. However, if you click on "download all", the file names of the downloaded files are corrupted on the local disk. Please see the screenshots attached. I was able to replicate this problem on Linux using Firefox as a browser.


      Operating System: CentOS 8
      Versions: Issue reproduced with out-of-the-box Confluence version 7.4.0 and version 7.8.1
      Web Browser: Firefox

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Install Confluence on a CentOS 8 Desktop distribution
      • Create a new page and attach the 4 Word documents attached to this bug report as a test
      • Use the download all feature to download all the attachments

      Expected Results

      • the original attachments filenames should be preserved

      Actual Results

      • the attachments filenames are garbled (screenshot attached)


      • download the file one by one and the filename will be preserved (screenshot attached)


      Related to https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-6399
      However, we wanted to give more visibility on the Linux part and issue reproduced in Confluence latest version

        1. DownloadAll-Filenames.png
          19 kB
          Pascal Oberle
        2. IndividualDownloads-Filenames.png
          12 kB
          Pascal Oberle
        3. 文件测试-1.docx
          12 kB
          Pascal Oberle
        4. 文件测试-2.docx
          12 kB
          Pascal Oberle
        5. 文件测试-3.docx
          12 kB
          Pascal Oberle
        6. 文件测试-4.docx
          12 kB
          Pascal Oberle

            Unassigned Unassigned
            2e857505f334 Pascal Oberle
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