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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-50442

Team Calender changes #header position to 'static'


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      Since Conflunece's default #header positon is relative,

      (can check from /download/superbatch/css/batch.css )

      'Team Calendars' plugin has #header

      { position: static; }

      css in it.

      It changes offsetParent of <div class="aui-dd-parent quick-nav-drop-down" style=""> (which determines Confluence Quick Search Result Box) from div#header to div#full-height-container

      which makes it skip <div id="header-precursor">'s height and occurs design problem.

      (Other plugin makes DIV inside div#header-precursor and Confluence Search Result Box ignores its height and appear up than usual)

      I was about to put

      jQuery('#header').attr("style","position:relative !important;"); to revert #header's position into relative,

      but I'm aware of design problem might occur with Team Calendars Plugin.

      Is it safe to roll back to relative?

            tthanhdang Tung Dang
            3efdfc9d64ee Ted SungHyun Choi
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
