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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-34507

Tasks "Did you know" pop-up doesn't go away after pressing dismiss


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      I wanted to clairify a few things .This is coming from a client that is bothered by the pop-up that is happening. This seems to be related to the grown experiments.

      When the clients gets the pop-up he will click "Dismiss" but in a day or so ( maybe within the day ) the pop-up comes back. He wants to be able to control this and disable the option rather then have to deal with waiting for the pop-up to go away or have to click " Dismiss ". The client himself said that this reminds him of Clippy and then provided the funny but annoying video of Clippy.

      Almost every other day I am reminded by Confluence that it now has support for tasks. I have clicked the 'Dismiss' button countless times but it keeps coming back.

      This has gone on for months now and I have finally been irritated enough to support a support request.

      Client is reporting this pop-up like it's Clippy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUvcYP859fg

      Lets not be like clippy please.

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            jrobison1 JordanA
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