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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-33872

Links to pages and anchors are broken after Space/Page export to Word doc




      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.


      When exporting Spaces or Pages to word doc format, the links inside the exported document file are broken

      Issue 1 in a Page Export to Word

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a page in Confluence with a lot of contents
      2. Create a heading in the bottom of the page and an anchor or link to the other heading in the top part of the page
      3. Save, ensure that the link/anchor works in Confluence
      4. Export to word

      Expected Results

      The exported page should contain working anchor links

      Actual Results

      The anchor links does not work in Word.

      Issue 2 - Space Export to Word

      1. Create a new space with a few new pages.
      2. Insert a link macro on one of the pages and link it to one of the other pages inside the space
      3. Export the page to word doc

      Expected Results

      The exported pages lalalala.doc should contain working links

      Actual Results

      The links does not work in Word.
      For example, the link that inside the page supposed to be http://confluence-pc:5410/confluence/display/PDF/page1 but shown as below instead


        1. lalalala.doc
          6 kB
          Wayne Wong
        2. doc.png
          7 kB
          Wayne Wong
        3. CONFSERVER-33872-1.png
          81 kB
          Monique Khairuliana
        4. CONFSERVER-33872-2.png
          191 kB
          Monique Khairuliana

        Issue Links



              Unassigned Unassigned
              wwong Wayne Wong (Inactive)
              41 Vote for this issue
              36 Start watching this issue

