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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-32176

Macro parameter type confluence-content and attachment are not working properly



      We're having problems with the confluence-content macro parameter, https://developer.atlassian.com/x/oAAf . When searching for a page in another space it will return the result in this format: spaceKey:pageName and searching for a page in the same space it will only return the page name.

      So if I create a page called "Test" in a space with the key DS. And then go to an other space and create a page called "DS:Test".

      If I use a confluence-content macro field to search for those two pages I will get the same result:

      And there is no way of separating them.

      Further more, it can not handle page titles with special characters like "åäö" properly.

      It would be much better if it would return the pageId instead.

      The attachment macro parameter is not working either. https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/100824/attachment-parameter-in-confluence-plugin-issue

      The attachment type would ideal just deliver a drop down list containing all attachments.

      Currently, we can not use any of these macro parameters which makes the User Experience of the macro browser very poor. Fixing this would really boost the usability of macros and make it much easier for plugin developers to develop user friendly macros.

      Best Regards

      Emil Sjödin, RefinedWiki

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            899018603b05 Emil Sjödin [Refined]
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