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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-29859

'Create from Template' Macro No Longer Creates Child Pages


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      It creates the page in the root of the space, regardless of what page you are on when you click the button. In previous versions, if you put a Create from Template macro on a page, and clicked it from that page, it would create a child page from the macro. This no longer works in 5.1.4.

      Temporary workarounds:

      WA 1. After clicking the 'Create from Template' button, manually change the location.

      • For custom templates, like any new page, the location can be changed by clicking the Location button at the bottom of the page.

      WA 2. Manually create a link to replace the button.
      Only for custom templates (hoover over the button and you should see 'templateId' variable in numbers)

      • Copy Link provided by the 'Create Template Button'.
      • Edit page where the button is at.
      • Create a new Web Link
      • paste the link and add &fromPageId=PAGEID (where PAGEID is the 'pageId' number shown shown in your browser address bar)
      • insert, save and test


      The recommended solution is to upgrade to Confluence 5.2.3 when that is released. If for some reason that is not possible, you can manually install a fixed version of the plugin via the add-on administration page:

            easenjo sthr (Inactive)
            2d2353ea9044 Mihkael DeNola
            12 Vote for this issue
            30 Start watching this issue
