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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-27613

Render decorator within a transaction to avoid unnecessary JDBC commits



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Low
    • 4.3.6
    • None
    • None


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      This is a performance improvement to rendering decorators, occassionally the session stops being read-only and we end up with numerous jdbc commits, this is especially expensive in a clustered environment when the commits also cause coherence chatter.

      Essentially there was a section of code in the header that was not wrapped in our usual transaction wrapper, which holds off on all db commits until the end of the transaction. A combination of this, clustering, the session not being read-only, and potentially some db latency cause a large series of jdbc commits which cause the delay. The fix is to wrap the code in the transaction wrapper, which stops the multiple commits.


      There is a patch available for Confluence 4.2.13. If you are unable to upgrade to 4.3.6 and you are on 4.2.13, you can apply this patch. Please do not apply it to any other versions however.

      1. Try this in a test system first to ensure it resolves your problem and does not cause any unforseen changes.
      2. Download the two attached files.
      3. Remove the "-4.2.13" from the class files before copying them to the directory.
      4. Follow the patch installation instructions
      5. The subdirectory for the class files is <confluence-installation-directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/com/atlassian/confluence/util/profiling. If any of these directories don't exist, you will need to create them.


        1. ConfluenceSitemeshDecorator$1.class-4.2.13
          2 kB
          Denise Unterwurzacher [Atlassian]
        2. ConfluenceSitemeshDecorator.class-4.2.13
          10 kB
          Denise Unterwurzacher [Atlassian]

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              slancashire Steve Lancashire (Inactive)
              slancashire Steve Lancashire (Inactive)
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              5 Start watching this issue

