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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-26759

Add [Read on] link to Blog Posts macro when displaying in Excerpt view


    • We collect Confluence feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      We use the Blog Posts macro in Excerpt view quite extensively at my organisation throughout many spaces. It appears that many end users don't realise they can actually click on the title of the blog post to read the entire blog. Like many websites on the internet, there is often a [Read on] or [Read More] link provided directly underneath of excerpt of the blog.
      Could you please add a [Read on] link, or something to that affect, directly underneath any blog posts that aren't fully displayed when in excerpt view? I feel this feature will provide that extra bit of guideance for end users to ensure they're reading the full blog post.
      Please see the attachment .png mockup to see what I mean. Note the [Read on] placed directly after the blog post.
      thank you

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