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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-24958

Attachment link browser only shows first 50 attached files


      NOTE: This bug report is for Confluence Server. Using Confluence Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.

      Steps to Reproduce

      tl;dr: test it on this page https://confxhtml.atlassian.com/x/VgEXHQ

      1. Create a new page
      2. Download and extract 151txtAttachments.zip
      3. Attach the 151 text files through drag and drop
      4. Edit the page
      5. Click on Insert Link > Attachments. Only first 50 is shown and there is no pagination:

      It seems that only 50 is returned by the REST call - CONF-18436:


      Use the exclamation mark '!' and file name to include it to the Page's body:

      1. Navigate to the Attachments section of a specific Page
      2. Locate the file or image we want to add and take note of it's file name
      3. Navigate back to the Page and Edit it
      4. Put the cursor on the desired location and add the file or image with an exclamation mark plus file name:
        ! examplefile.jpg

      Reference: Display Files and Images.

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